- 아이폰앱 개발 참고 블로그 2011.06.01
- xcode에서 plist 파일을 binary로 만들기 2011.05.31
- Synology DS110j 1 2011.05.12
- Synology DS110j 2 2011.05.12
- 맥에서 root 계정 암호 만들기/바꾸기 2011.05.09
- Open Source iPhone Apps List – Real App Store Code Examples! 2011.05.07
- 아이폰 개발 라이브러리 UI컨트롤 확장 및 소켓 2011.05.04
- 탈옥 후 어플 받는 곳 2011.05.03
- Database Connectionstrings 2011.04.28
- Synology 110j 프린터 서버로 사용하기 (Windows7) 2011.03.26
아이폰앱 개발 참고 블로그
xcode에서 plist 파일을 binary로 만들기
Luckily for us, there is a command line utility called plutil that can convert back and forth between the two formats. You can convert the .plist file you want to edit to XML format, edit it in TextEdit, then convert back to binary for use. To convert a binary .plist file to XML format for editing, type this in the Terminal:
plutil -convert xml1 some_file.plist
To convert an XML .plist file to binary for use:
plutil -convert binary1 some_other_file.plist
Replace some_file.plist and some_other_file.plist with the actual filenames, obviously...plutil -convert xml1 filename.plist : 바이너리를 xml로 만들어 줍니다.
plutil -convert binary1 filename.plist : xml을 바이너리로 만들어 줍니다.
변환시 파일 자체가 바뀌니 백업은 미리 해놓으면 좋습니다.
Synology DS110j 1
DS110j |
Synology Disk Station DS110jis designed to provide a cost-effective file storage and backup solution. The system firmware, Synology DiskStation Manager 3.1, delivers rich features for multimedia enjoyments, worry-free backup, Internet sharing, and energy-saving options.
Overview | Photo | Specifications | Features | Performance | Compatibility | Datasheet | Support |
Build Your Entertainment Center
Download Station 2 functions as a 24x7 BitTorrent, FTP, HTTP, eMule, and NZB download center. RapidShare and RSS download are now supported.
DLNA Compliant Media Sever ensures compatibility and interoperability between Disk Station and a wide range of DLNA-certified home devices.
iTunes Server provides an easy way to share music and videos with other iTunes clients within the local network. You can create playlists with songs that match the criteria you specified, and best of all, iTunes will update these playlists automatically as you add or delete songs.
Audio Station supports music, Internet radio stations, and iPod playback with connected USB speakers. Web-streaming mode allows your music to be shared with multiple users over the Internet.
Back Up Your Precious Data
DSM 2.2 offers comprehensive solutions for you to back up data stored on Disk Station or your desktop computer to the Disk Station.
Server backup includes two alternatives: Network Backup and Local Backup. Both allow you to back up data in the shared folders and databases. Incremental backup option and flexible schedules are available. All can be easily configured with a step-by-step wizard.
Desktop backup provides Windows PC users with the Synology Data Replicator 3 for backing up desktop data, Outlook, and Outlook Express emails to their Disk Station by choosing one of the three backup modes: Immediate, Sync, and Scheduled backup, while Mac OS X users can use Apple Time Machine backup application to back up their critical data to Disk Station.
USBCopy allows you to quickly back up your data from an USB storage device such as an USB flash or USB card reader to the Disk Station with just one single touch on the front-panel Copy button.
Enrich Your Web Presence
Photo Station 3 simplifies photo, video, and blog sharing over the Internet. The flexibility of photo theme customization, blog layout arrangement, visitor’s privilege setting, RSS feed, and the dazzling 3-dimentional photo browsing with Cooliris make Photo Station 3 your state-of-the-art lifestyle sharing center on the Internet.
Web Station with built-in PHP+MySQL allows users to publish their own websites or install numerous popular open-source programs.
Access With Your iPhone/Mobile Device
The iPhone App DS audio allows Disk Station users to stream music stored on Disk Station with their iPhone/iPod® touch where Internet access is available, while DS photo allows uploading photos from the iPhone/iPod® touch to their Disk Station.
Users with a mobile device running on Windows Mobile® 6.0, iPhone OS 2.2.1 onward, or Symbian OS 9.1 can log on their Disk Station to view photos with Mobile Photo Station and read supported file formats with Mobile File Station where Internet access is available.
Eco Friendly
Synology Disk Station is designed and developed perpetually with the concept of energy saving. Compared with average PC counterparts, Synology Disk Station consumes a relatively low amount of power and has the HDDs hibernate when not in use. This not only helps to save energy but also extends the lifespan of the hard disk.
Synology Disk Station truly earns the title of "green product" because of the unique Scheduled Power On/Off feature, and the smart fan design effectively cools down the system with minimum power consumption, yet keeps the system quiet on operation.
Finally, all Synology products are produced with RoHS compliant parts and packed with recyclable packing materials. Synology recognizes its responsibility as a global citizen and is continually working to reduce the environmental impact of the products we create.
Synology DS110j 2
Budget-friendly 1-bay NAS server for Home and Small Business
Overview | Photo | Specifications | Features | Performance | Compatibility | Datasheet | Support |
(Updated: 2010/9/20)
File Browser File Station FTP Server
Mail Server
Web Station
Surveillance Station
Photo Station
Download Station
Audio Station
DLNA/UPnP Media Server
iTunes Server
Printer Server7
Synology Packages
iPhone/Android Applications
General Specifications
Networking Protocols
File System
Volume Management
File Sharing Capability
Windows Access Control List (ACL) Windows ADS Domain Integration
Backup Solutions
HDD Management
Supported Clients
Supported Browsers
Supported Mobile Devices
Environment and Packaging
Package Content
Optional Accessories
1. Hard drive not included.
2. Fully loaded with Seagate 1TB ST31000520AS hard drive(s) in operation; Two G.R.A.S. Type 40AE microphones, each set up at 1 meter away from the DiskStation front and rear; Background noise: 17.2 dB(A); Temperature: 23.6℃; Humidity: 58.2%; More details about dB(A) value, check
3. Measured with 1 Seagate 750GB ST3750640NS hard drive. The figures could vary on different environments.
4. 1 free license to install 1 IP camera. Additional licenses can be purchased to expand the license quota.
5. User can click and download the following video formats: RM, RMVB, VOB, RV30, RV40, AC3, AMR, WMA3, but not able to play it in Photo Station as compressed Flash video.
6. The music in WAV and AIF format can be streamed, but the metadata (ex: title, album) may not be indexed on the iTunes.
7. For Mac users, DS110j supports PostScript USB printers only.
8. Primary partion only.
11. Wireless dongles not included. Please check http://www.synology.com/ for supported wireless dongles.
12. Tested with Axis M1011 (640X480) and Axis M1054 (1280X800); FPS set to 10 at every channel; Compression rate: 30%; Video Codec: MJPEG, MPEG4 (640X480 only), H.264; Recording Type is conducted with Motion Detection Recording and Continuous Recording; Various file transfer operations runs concurrently while streaming; Actual performance may vary depending on camera settings and DiskStation loading.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
맥에서 root 계정 암호 만들기/바꾸기
출처 : http://www.hopark.info/?p=80
맥 OS X을 새 하드 디스크에 설치했다면, 루트 계정이 안 만들어져 있습니다.
따라서 맥 오에스 텐 안에서 터미널 열어서
$ 프롬프트 상태에서 su 명령을 내려도 암호가 맞을 리가 없으므로 su 명령을 사용할 수 없습니다.
이럴 때는 재부팅할 필요 없이, 응용 프로그램 안에 있는 터미널을 실행하여, $ 프롬프트 상태에서
$ sudo -s <엔터>
자신의 계정 암호<엔터> (이때 계정이 관리자 등급 계정이어야 함)
그러면 # 프롬프트로 바뀝니다. 여기서
# passwd root<엔터>
root 계정에 사용할 암호를 입력하고 <엔터> 확인을 위해서 한번 더 같은 암호 넣고 <엔터>
이제부터는 터미널에서 su 명령을 사용할 수 있죠.
다음은 이미 설정해 놓은 루트 계정 암호를 잊어버렸을 경우에 새로 설정하는 방법입니다.
싱글 유저 모드로 부팅하기 : 맥 오에스 텐을 재시동하게 하고, 화면이 검게 변화면 command+s 키를 동시에 누르고 있으면, 평소에 기본적으로 시동되는 멀티 유저 모드가 아닌 싱글 유저 모드로 부팅됩니다.
검은 바탕에 흰 글씨로 된 텍스트 시동 화면이 나오면서 잠시 후 프롬프트(root #_)가 나타납니다. 이때, 프롬프토 바로 윗줄에 두 가지 중요한 명령어가 표시되어 있습니다.
/sbin/fsck -fy (filesystem consistency check and interactive repair)
/sbin/mount -uw /
첫번째 명령인 “/sbin/fsck -fy”는 다음에 설명하고, 여기서는 두번째 명령인 “/sbin/mount -uw /”를 이용하여, 루트(root, 유닉스 OS에서 최상급 운영자 ID) 계정을 암호를 설정하거나 변경하는 방법만 설명하겠습니다.
두번째로 안내되어 있는 “/sbin/mount -uw /” 명령을 그대로(빈칸까지) 입력하고 엔터 키를 누릅니다.
다음으로 “passwd root”를 입력하고 엔터 키를 누릅니다.
그러면 루트 계정의 암호를 지정하거나 변경할 수 있습니다.
루트 계정의 암호 설정이 끝났으면, “reboot” 명령을 입력하고 엔터 키를 눌러, 일반적인 멀티 유저 모드로 재시동을 하면 됩니다.
참고로, root 계정의 암호를 지정했으면, 일반적인 맥 오에스 텐으로 시동한 상태에서 터미널을 열어서 “su” 명령을 입력하면 암호를 묻는데, 여기서 root 계정의 암호를 입력하면, 사용자 계정으로 시동을 했더라도 루트 계정의 권한으로 터미널에서 명령을 내릴 수 있습니다.
Open Source iPhone Apps List – Real App Store Code Examples!
아이폰 개발 라이브러리 UI컨트롤 확장 및 소켓
URL - http://three20.info
Three20 Overview
Think of core as your swiss-army knife of Objective-C development. You should take some time to familiarize yourself with its features.
With the Three20 Core you can
- generate md5 hashes from NSData objects,
- extend the logging and debug capabilities of Xcode,
- compare two version strings (is 3.0 older than 3.1?),
- create non-retaining NSArrays and NSDictionaries for delegate use,
- strip HTML tags from strings,
- safely add non-empty, non-nil strings to NSDictionaries,
- and format dates in relative time (5 hours ago).
You'll find all of these methods in the Three20 Xcode project in the
Global => Core
and Global => Additions => Core
If you're building an app that uses a web-based API, Three20's Network component is going to make your job easier. Three20 supports disk and memory network caching. There is also a layer built upon requests that makes it easy to process the response data.
A growing set of common views and controllers is available within the Three20 UI. The well-known Facebook photo browser/thumbnail viewer is one such controller.
탈옥 후 어플 받는 곳
Database Connectionstrings
MS SQL 서버에 연결할때 사용하는 ConnectionString 예가 잘 나와있다.
Synology 110j 프린터 서버로 사용하기 (Windows7)
1. Synology 장비 셋팅
관리자 페이지의 제어판에서 외부장치로 들어갑니다.
프린터를 USB로 연결하면 아래와 같이 나옵니다.
USB 프린터 관리자 > 프린터 설정으로 들어갑니다.
아래와 같이 설정하면 끝입니다.
이렇게 해서 안되면 지원이 안되는 거라고 하네요.
Synology 웹사이트에서 지원되는 프린터를 먼저 확인하시고 해야합니다.
2. PC에 프린터 추가
새 포트 생성으로 프린터를 추가하면 아래와 같이 추가가 됩니다.
포트구성으로 들어가서 아래와 같이 설정을 해주어야 출력이 됩니다.
Synology에서 제공하는 Assisstant를 사용해도 되는데 결국 해주는 작업은 위의 셋팅입니다.